Data transformation and knowledge information
Storing data is only useful in filling a hard disk with a lot of useless information, on the other hand, processing data means collecting it and then being able to make use of it, understanding trends and facing future situations.

This is the same in the field of energy, collecting data only to find out how much is consumed is useless, it is necessary to collect the data to then be able to process it and thus face the ecological future.
Companies today, besides dealing with their own specific business, have to confront a series of new unknowns related to the huge problem of ecology. Forget data and graphics, unnecessary meetings and time wasting, now a tool that can anticipate the future, pre-empt problems and avoid waste is needed.
For a short time now a system has been included in the field of automation that can collect the data in the sector, store it, but at the same time make it readily available thereby improving the working system and correcting any errors that often arise. A company has its own operating time and downtime and the latter is the issue where it is necessary to intervene to reduce any type of waste to the minimum, optimising the operating environment for the best return when production starts again. Today, downtime in production are no longer to be considered as a loss but as a moment in which the system can be optimised, where the machinery can be put into action with renewed energy to confront the workload better and without waste.